1965 American, Born Panamá-Venezuela
"Fore(st)sight," ...pondering on the future of forests – community-engaged open art-studio happenings + installation / Artist-in-Residence in C.B, Smith Park, Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA (2 times Broward County Artist Support Grant Award Recipients)
Sacred Callings: The White Tulip Road – Florida Chapter: Napituca Observances (temporary name), Inner Performance for the inhabitants of the Astral Plane for Historical Healing, Gum Slough, Suwannee County, Florida, USA
- “Kamakosha Journal: Inner Dynamics Happenings on Embedded Historical Occurrences - The Budapest Chapter: Records of the performances for the Astral Plane's Inhabitants” / Live Performance from the Astral Plane via Skype at the Int’l Seminar “Humano: demasiado posthumano” (Speaker and invited artist) / Telefónica Mega Sala Digital Moviestar, Presented by UCAB (Catholic University Andrés Bello) and Fundación Telefónica, coordinated by Curator Humberto Valdivieso, Caracas, Venezuela.
- “Sacred Callings: The White Tulip Road - Florida Chapter: Opening Consent”, Live Performance for the inhabitants of the Astral Plane at the Miami Circle, Miami, Florida
- “Invisible Visible: Chronicles of Inner Miami”, TOBE Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
- “MantraPaths – Novena”, Street Performance for Audiences in the Astral Plane, Budapest, Hungary
- Int’l Seminar “Sensibilidad Virtual y Eros Electrónico” presenting “Epístolas Virtuális” - collaborative work with Atreyu’s Horse (Speaker and invited artist), UCAB (Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Caracas, Venezuela (Via Skype)
- “MantraPaths: De-trailing the Slave Trade Trails, Street Performance for Audiences in the Astral Plane, Bristol, UK
"Un-wall-ing"- in situ installation/performance.
Invited un-wall-ist: Maui_sa Parada, Aluna Art Foundation, Miami, USA
- "There is always a way through"-in situ installation, Aluna Foundation, Miami
-"Unknown" (The whispering trees of Ah-Nab-Awen park), Art Prize -
Ah-Nab- Awen Park, Grand Rapids, Michigan
• “Anotaciones de lo invisible – 2nd Version Curated by Marcela Romer,
Centro Cultural Municipal, Santa Fe City, Argentina
• “Anotaciones de lo invisible”, Curated by Marcela Romer,
Biblioteca Popular Alfonsina Storni, Rosario, Argentina
• “A propósito de…”, Museo Granell, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
• “Garden of delight? looking for Paradise…”,
Alpha International Galleries, Miami.
• "El uno, el otro, el mismo", Galería Sólido, Caracas, Venezuela
• "Fronteras", Underground Bar-Galería, Caracas, Venezuela
• "Pretenso", La Creperie, Caracas, Venezuela
- Miami Performance International Festival “20, Day 2, Online Presence (Facebook & YouTube)
- Immersive Experience of Digital Art #Next: Imaginar el Post-presente / Visionados 02: Mobilidad y Postpresente”, AWA Cultura Platform, 2020
- “Los hijos de Melusina – Sala 4: In(visible)”, AWA Cultura Platform, 2020
- "Alternate Bodies", AG ArtHub, Allapattah, Florida (currently on view)
- “For Now: Contemporary Venezuela Art of the Miami Diaspora”, Coral Gables Museum, Coral Gables, Florida - until March 15, 2020 (photography)
- Miami New Media Festival: Venue Glac System Art Lab presenting “As below… So Above” Multimedia Installation & Performance, Doral, Miami
- “City re mix”, Ker Gallery, Doral, Miami
- “72 Artists for Venezuelan Journalists”, Print Shop, Wynwood, Miami
- “Singularities”, FIU College of Engineering & Computing, Miami
- “ICL Studio – MNM Festival, Miami (Wynwood)
- “Miami New Media Festival – 10th Anniversary, Arts Connection at PAMM (Perez Art Miami Museum), Miami
- “NestGen – Ecological Biennale Project” with the installation “The Invisible
Plague”, FIU College of Engineering & Computing, Miami
- "Illuminations", Miami Biennale, Miami
- "Elements of Life", Leila Mordoch Gallery, Miami.
- "The Spiritual in Art", Aluna Foundation, Miami.
- $499.99 Exhibition, Kavachnina Contemporary, Miami.
- “Self, Symbols & The Spirit”, Art Rouge Gallery, Miami.
- “Miami, Ciudad Metáfora”, Centro Cultural Español and Miami-Dade Community College, Miami.
- “Happily Ever After”, HACS, Miami.
- “Art Auction 06”, Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, CA.
- “New Media Festival”, HACS, Miami.
- “Hardcore Menu: Samples and dishes”, HACS, Miami.
- “Aerial Terrestrial: Contemporary Art”, Miami-Dade College Art Gallery System, Miami.
- “Occurrences: artists crossroads”, Sydiart Studio, Chicago.
- “Masters’ Mystery Art Show”, FIU, Miami Beach.
- Silent Auction, Feast of San Gennaro LA, Hollywood.
- “Latin Art Digital Diaspora”, Studio Soto, Boston
- “Art Garden Fantasy”. ART + Gallery, Miami.
- “Segunda Muestra de Artistas Bolivarianos”, Consulado Gral. de Colombia, Miami.
- “String Resonance”, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami.
- "You can put them back in place", World Contemporary Art '98, Los Angeles.
- "Install-a(c)tion Give/See/Take - version III", 123 Gallery, Miami.
- "Install-a(c)tion Give/See/Take - version II", Art Explosion, Miami.
- "7 Women from 7 Countries" / "Install-a(c)tion Give/See/Take-version I",
Florida Museum of Hispanic and Latin American Art, Miami
- "Hispanic Reflections", Washington D.C.
- "Women in the Arts '95", FMHLAA, Miami.
- "Encounters / Encuentros" (# 4), FMHLAA, Miami.
- "Homenaje a Giorgio Patella", FMHLAA, Miami.
- "7 Women from 7 Countries", FMHLAA, Miami.
- Art Student League of New York, New York.
- “Hay Ropa Tendida”, Estación Culural Ciudad, Mendoza.
- “Talking Head Transmitters at Intrude 366”, Zendai MOMA, Shanghai.
- ¡Miami Effetá!, Primera Trienal Internacional del Caribe, Santo Domingo
- The Fifth Annual Exposure Award, Louvre Museum, Paris.
- "Papaya" curated by TOBE Gallery, Pegazus Contemporary Art, Szentbékkálla
- “Piña” curated by TOBE Gallery, Pegazus Contemporary Art, Szentbékkálla
- Budapest Photo Festival 2018, 28/02-20/04, Budapest
-“Arte Latex”, Universitat de Valecia”, Valencia.
- Itinerant Exhibition through out the dependant museums of la Generalitat de Catalunya: Barcelona: Museu D'Art de Sabadell / Capella de Sant Joan, Vilafranca del Penedes / Galeria Art Farners Girona: Museu del Suro, Palafurgell / Palau de L'Abadia, / Puigcerda / Castell de la Bisbal Tarragona: Protal del Pardo, El Vendrel / Serveis Territorials, Tortosa
- “Blanco/Blanco”, 1800 Gallery, Caracas.
- “Transmudamiento” | Photographic Installation at “1er Mes de la fotografía”,
- "Encueritatis" (Assembly & Installation), Galería Sólido, Caracas.
- "El Círculo" Installation / "Diálogo con Federico Brandt", Ateneo de Caracas,
- “Amaru in Heaven” by Roxana Barba / “Here & Now 2021” presented at Miami Light Project > Set Designer, Miami, 2021
- “A Choreography for Daily Living” by Roxana Barba and Claudio Marcotulli, DORCAM Museum > Custom Design and Set Designer, Miami 2019
- “A Choreography for Daily Living” by Roxana Barba and Claudio Marcotulli, commissioned by AIA Miami Award Gala 2019 > Custom Design and Set Designer, Miami, 2019
- “Blasting Pixels” by Claudio Marcotulli presented at MDC Live Arts, Set Designer, Miami, 2019
- “(Re-)creating History", Allard Van Hoorn at The Moore Space, Miami.
- “Talking Head Transmitters at Intrude 366”, Zendai MOMA, Shanghai, 2008
Liza and Dr. Arturo Mosquera Collection, Susan Grant-Lewin Collection, Emilio and Liliana Callejas, and the University of Santa Fe among others. Private Collectors from Galleries and Studio acquisitions: Paris, Switzerland, Spain, Caracas, Washington, Miami, Houston, New York, and Chicago.
- Broward County Artist Support Grant (III Cycle) 2022-2023 Award Recipient, Broward County Cultural Division, Broward, Florida. 2022
- First Artist-in-residence in C.B. Smith Park, Pembroke Pines, Florida, 2022-2023
- Broward County Artist Support Grant (Fall Cycle) 2021-2022 Award Recipient, Broward County Cultural Division, Broward, Florida. 2021
-XXVI Salón de Arte Lagoven, First prize with the artwork "Viajero de un Camino Tortuoso", Caracas, Venezuela, 1995
-XXIV Salón de Arte Lagoven, Second Prize with the artwork "SER-ES", Caracas, Venezuela, 1994